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TechRadar for IT teams

Measure your team's performance, technology stack and organizational culture.

for Companies of All Sizes

Technological Measurement

Discover how Groowcity measures and evaluates your team's technical and technological skills to drive the success of your company.

Accurate Measurement of Technical Skills

Groowcity assesses in-depth technical skills, providing an accurate view of your team's knowledge

Analysis of Tools and Platforms

We identify the tools and platforms used by your team, providing you with essential information for decision-making.

Evaluation of Languages and Frameworks

Groowcity analyzes the programming languages and frameworks that your collaborators master, to optimize your technological strategy.

Updated Technology Radar

Our technology radar is constantly updated, keeping you up to date with the latest trends in technology.

Identifying Knowledge Gaps

Groowcity identifies areas where your team needs to improve, to develop effective race plans.

Measure Professional Development

Measure the growth of your employees, ensuring their continuous evolution in a constantly changing technological environment.

It provides information on how your organization creates software today.

The Technology Radar captures the tools, techniques, platforms, languages and frameworks used by your teams.

Informed Decision Making

Identify and evaluate what is important to your organization in terms of the adoption or improvement of existing technologies.

Continuous Evolution

The Technology Radar helps organizations keep up to date with the latest trends and best practices in the software industry.

Increase the performance of your organization thanks to skill measurement

Adopting new technology and reducing the technology gap is possible with our skill measurement tool.

Increase adoption of new
your organization's technologies.
Reduce the technology gap
with the competition.

DevEx y Rutas Profesionales Innovadoras

Utilizando IA para fusionar desarrollo tecnológico y metas profesionales, este enfoque eleva a los profesionales de TI más allá de la mera competencia técnica.

Rutas Profesionales Guiadas por IA

Innovando en el desarrollo de rutas profesionales en TI con IA, diseñadas tanto para equipos como para individuos, asegurando crecimiento y adaptabilidad.

Transformando el Aprendizaje en TI con Rutas Inteligentes de IA

Maximiza el potencial de aprendizaje en TI utilizando rutas personalizadas de IA, adaptadas a las necesidades individuales y del equipo.


Identify skill gaps

It's important to identify the skills that are lacking in your teams. This can help companies make informed decisions about hiring and developing employees.

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Join Our Fast Growing Company Right Image - Techflow X Webflow Template

Measuring equipment can help companies identify technologies that are important to their business. This can help companies prioritize investments in technology that allow them to innovate and stay at the forefront of their industry.


Goals, Challenges and Recognitions
for your team

Groowcity offers clear goals, challenging daily challenges and automatic recognitions to motivate and empower your team towards continuous growth and success in the organization

Rewards Marketplace

The team can turn achievements into exclusive rewards and motivate you even more in your development.

Daily Challenges

Accept the daily challenges of and strengthen your skills day after day, keeping up to date in the technological world.”

Recognition Plan

When your employees achieve goals, Groowcity automatically recognizes them to the entire organization.

Progress ranking

Maintain healthy competitiveness in your organization with the Groowcity progress ranking.



Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions our customers have asked us.

What is a technological radar and how does it work?

A Technology Radar is a tool that tracks and evaluates emerging technologies and trends in the world of technology. It works by collecting data in real time and identifying key technologies.

What is the importance of a technological radar in an organization?

A Technology Radar is essential for keeping up with the latest technological trends, making informed decisions and encouraging innovation within an organization.

How can a Technology Radar help my IT team?

A Technology Radar helps IT teams assess their technical skills, identify knowledge gaps, plan professional development and make strategic decisions.

What information does a technological radar provide?

A Technology Radar provides data on the most relevant technologies in use, emerging trends, team technical skills, and development opportunities.

How is a technology radar used in career planning?

A Technology Radar helps identify current and future technical skills needed for an individual's professional goals, facilitating career planning and personalized development.

What is Groowcity's role in implementing a technological radar?

Groowcity provides a comprehensive platform for measuring and managing technological performance in teams and organizations, facilitating the adoption and optimization of a Technology Radar.

Ready to get started? Start measuring your equipment right now.

Start measuring and improving your equipment today.

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